Video - The TRUTH about current scientific understanding of mold induced illnesses

While it is perfectly acceptable science to say that we don't know everything about these illnesses and that more research is needed, it is not now - nor has it ever been accepted science - to conclude that these illnesses are not occurring to humans exposed in water damaged buildings. It is not now - nor has it ever been accepted science - that one can apply math to a rodent study and determine sick citizens are simply liars and whiners out to scam the poor insurance industry.
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Democrat says health overhaul needs GOP to pass

Senate Democrats alone cannot pass President Barack Obama's ambitious overhaul of how Americans receive health care, a top lawmaker acknowledged on Sunday.

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Green Tea: A New Weapon Against Prostate Cancer?

Many medical “discoveries” have occurred quite by happenstance. For instance, consider the story of Green Tea which began some 5,000 years ago when, as Chinese legend has it, leaves from a nearby Camellia sinensis tree fell into an emperor’s boiling pot of water. The leaves turned the water a light-brown color and gave off a delightful aroma.

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Fees Announced By Society's Council, UK

The Council of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain has announced a fee increase of 2.2% for 2010, following the outcome of the 2010 fees consultation and a review of the Society's financial position. It is the second year in a row that fees have not been raised significantly. Last year's fees only rose by the annual inflationary rise and were between 3.9% - 4.5%.
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Is It Possible To Differentiate GISTs From Leiomyomas By Endoscopic Ultrasonography?

A research article in the World Journal of Gastroenterology addresses this question. This research led by Professor Kim and his colleagues in Pusan National University, South Korea.
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Weight-loss surgery safe, but risks higher for some

Weight-loss surgery isn't risk-free, but a new study suggests that in the hands of a skilled surgeon, it may be safer than previously thought. However, some people -- including those with sleep apnea or a history of blood clots -- are more likely to have problems with surgery than others, according to a study published this week in the New England Journal of Medicine.
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Scientists use mosquitoes deliver malaria 'vaccine' via bites (AP)

Mosquitoes are among Orkin's list of top four pests to avoid this Fourth of July.  (PRNewsFoto/Orkin, Inc.)AP - In a daring experiment in Europe, scientists used mosquitoes as flying needles to deliver a "vaccine" of live malaria parasites through their bites. The results were astounding: Everyone in the vaccine group acquired immunity to malaria; everyone in a non-vaccinated comparison group did not, and developed malaria when exposed to the parasites later.

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Cancer Survivors Face Tough Road Long After Treatment Ends

Cancer survivors are more likely than their healthy peers to suffer serious psychological distress such as anxiety and depression, even a decade after treatment ends, new research shows.
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DNA Test Kit

With the widespread use of DNA technology to prove everything from paternity to national origin, this technology is fast becoming accessible to people in everyday life. You can now purchase a DNA test kit in almost any pharmacy and perform the test at ho...
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Chronic Fatigue

Chronic fatigue is a debilitating disorder of unknown cause which affects thousands of people. It is a complicated disorder that manifests itself with extreme fatigue that does not improve with bed rest and often worsens with physical or mental activity. T...
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